Monday 30 September 2019





This novel's story and characters are fictitious. Individual long-standing
institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved
are wholly imaginary.


It was late in the evening when Ashley's plane landed at Narita International
Airport. Just as she promised her family, she was ready to call them only to realize
that her phone was missing.

Ashley rushed out from the terminal to look for a landline to contact her phone of
which she assumed was with the guy she bumped before leaving her country,
Philippines. Unfortunately, public telephones were already outdated, and she didn't
Find even one.

Ashley wanted to continue searching but then stopped after seeing the person who
would pick her up had arrived. A middle-aged Filipina holding a paper with
Ashley's name stood at the entrance of the arrival gate of the airport. When the lady
saw Ashley, she went to her and asked, "Are you, Ashley Gusman?"

Ashley was surprised to see the woman. It took seconds for her to wake from her
daze and reply.
"Yes, I'm Ashley Gusman. How about you? Ah, I mean, who are you?" "I am Mrs. Gutieres. The one in charge of all the employees coming from the

"Ah! Is that so?" Ashley replied, politely to the old lady, who was more likely
scrutinizing her from head to toe.
"If you don't have any other luggage, let's go now since it's already late. And where
we're heading is a bit far from here." The old lady said as if she was in a rush.
"Mrs. Gutieres, can I ask you a favor? You see, I lost my phone, and I think the
person who has my phone is here in Japan."

"Now? What is it that you want?" the old lady asked with an irritated tone of voice.
Ashley sensed the old lady was angry base on the woman's harsh reply. Instead of
asking for a favor to use a phone, she changed her mind and simply responded she
needed nothing else.

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Let's go. It's already getting late." Mrs.
Gutieres turned and went to the vehicle that was waiting for them.
Since it was almost midnight, due to exhaustion, she followed Mrs. Gutieres
without asking where they were going. After an hour of travel, they reached their

However, after seeing where they were, Ashley was in total shock…
Minutes later, the car's door opened, and two big men stood in front of Ashley.
"Down!" the man shouted at Ashley.
"Huh?" Ashley's eyes widened while shaking in fear.
"Didn't you hear me? I said, down," the man angrily yelled.
When Ashley didn't move, a hand with a cloth hurriedly cupped her mouth from
behind, and she passed out...
For episode pls comment and like

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