Friday 18 May 2018



WHO IS SHE?????……….
saint patrick hospital…IBB way..port
harcourt….mr and mrs thompson of the
thompson construction enterprise sat in the
waiting area with their only daughter nancy
and bella their son’s fiancee…nurses kept
going in and out of the theatre without
answering any of their questions…soon the red
light turned green and mr igben came out…his
face expressionless
“doctor…doctor…is my son going to be
okay..?” mr thompson asked almost swallowing
the doctor…
“please calm down thompson …sir
please…come with me to my office.”
“okay….please ladies…excuse me..”
he followed the doctor into his office
“please have a seat” the doctor said gesturing
with his hand
“thank you…please is my son..??”
“sir…your son is fine..he is out of danger….
“oh thank God….
“he has lost the use of his eyes…”
episode 1 loading
“heeeeyyy….ehwooi….my enemies have
succeeded…my only son…blind..cheeeiii…i’m
finished” mrs thompson yelled and cried
rolling on the floor…
mr thompson could not do anything…he just
stood there..arms akimbo…
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
“doctor..what do you mean lost the use of his
“sir…i mean he is blind..he suffered a severe
hit to the head tha caused an orbital fracture
“doctor stop the plenty talk…can he be
“ummm…sir i don’t know for sure but…
mr thompson stood up and left…he had heard
it all…his son was blind…his only son…he
wanted to cry but couldnt…he stood there and
watched as his wife cried and rolled on the
floor with nancy and bella struggling to carry
her up..
“please sir…this is a hospital…if you cannot
calm your wife its better you leave..” the nurse
mt thompson looked at her and shook his
“i pray you don’t encounter something bigger
than you.”
with the help of nancy and bella he was able to
stop her from crying and get her into the
car…immediately they got to the house she
burst into another round of crying…her
husband was too weak to do anything…he
blamed himself partially for what happened…if
he hadnt insisted he went to abuja and
supervised the construction going on there…he
wouldnt have met the accident that caused his
*three days ago*
“’re going to abuja to check on the
work going on there.”
“no…no…no dad…i can’t”
“why..?? have to..”
“ooohhh…but why did you let me know on
time…i already made plans with bella..”
“c’mon son…it’ll only be for a day or two…it’s
nothing that will take your time..”
“dad i can’t…i have plans…”
“you can always reshedule…you know how
much is involved in this…we can’t mess up..”
“(sighs)……bella is going to be
“i can tall to her if you want…she’ll
“no dad…i’ll talk to her”
they received a call to days later that ivan was
involved in an accident… he had already
gotten to portharcourt when it happened…eye
witnesses said he was driving at a high
speed…he must have been in a hurry to see
bella…he was taking a curve unawares of a
truck loaded with barrels…they collided…onlo
okers said they doubt he’d survive…well he did
but without his sight…
his phone rang…he didnt pick rang
continously but he still did not answer…he
wasnt not in the mood to talk to
anyone…seveeal texts came in…it must be well
wishers he thought…this kind of news does not
take time to spread…he picked up ths phone
to switch it off…he noticed there was a text
from the doctor…he decided to read it
“please call me sir…we need to talk..”
“what does he want..” he thought….he called
“hello sir thompson”
“sir i need to talk to you…you didnt let me
finish what i was saying…there…
“doctor…what else do you what to say…you’ve
said it all..the only thing i want to hear is that
my son can see”
“that is the reason i’m calling …there is a
possibility he will see again but…”
“(jumping from his bed)…thank God”
“(sighs…you didnt let me finish again..please
come to the office if you’ll continue cutting me
off like this..”
“sorry..sorry….when should i come..?”
“tomorrow will be fine”
“ok..see you tomorrow”
immediately he hung up he went down and saw
his wife still crying
“get up …stop crying” he said smiling”
“you…you…its your fault my son is blind and
you’re smiling”
“keep quiet woman…was i the one that asked
him to overspeed….dont spoil my mood
ooh…i brought good news…the doctor said he
will see again”
“ehn…ehn…(jumping) say..?”
“you heard me right…he will see again..”
“how .?” asked an excited bella
“i dont know…i’m going to see the doctor
“why not today” nancy asked dancing
“am i the dictor…lets wait and see for now i
need something delicious to eat..”
episode 2 loading

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