Monday 18 June 2018

Too Late To Claim. EPISODE 4


Year to Year, the suffering continued.
We had no option than to hope on God and pray for better things.
We were able to save a little so mother suggested we change our water business to something else.
So I began selling fufu.
Every day,I carried fufu to the markets in neighboring towns and villages to sell.
I make sure that I sold everything even if it meant going home late.
Sometimes, whenever I reached home late,I met mother sitting outside looking worry,crying and praying that nothing should happened to me.
I have told her countless times that I can take care of myself but she refused to buy that idea because she believed that I am still a little girl.
It was really stressful,but I had no option.
Oneday,when I was 15 years, luckily for me, I sold all my fufu earlier than the usual time, so I hurriedly went home to carry more to sell.
On getting home,I met Mother lying on a wrapper,on the floor, outside the house shivering while holding our torn bible.
Immediately,I dropped the empty tray on the ground and rushed to her.
She was trembling, unable to speak as tears rolled down her eyes.
I guess she was praying as only her lips could be seen moving but words couldn’t be heard.
I felt her temperature and is was like a hot oven.
“Mother what’s wrong with you, answer me” I called to her but she didn’t answer.
With the strength of Lion,I ran to the village local herbalist, asking him to follow me to help my mom.
At first,he refused, reminding us how poor we are and won’t be able to pay for medication,but after much pleading and crying from me,he followed me home.
On reaching home,we met Mother still lying outside but she had stopped shivering.
The Herbalist moved over to her,bent a little and placed his hand on her head for some minutes,after he held her hand and carried it up.
I stood looking at him though I didn’t understand what he was doing.
I was crying and praying in my heart that nothing should happen to her.
I had stopped believing in God but I prayed to him that day.
If he could grant my one wish and heal my mother,I will be the most happiest person.
The herbalist repeated the same act for three times.
I was getting angry.
I didn’t call him here to do exercise with her.
Couldn’t he see she needed drugs not exercise, however I just watched him.
After the third time,he stood erect and shook his head and looked at me.
“Do something now” I said to him crying
“Is late” he replied me
I didn’t understand him
Late for what?
“Please if it is about the money, I will pay” I told him
“Am sorry,she is dead”. He said and walked away.
I didn’t think I heard him right.
I moved over to mother and began to shake her but she didn’t move.
“Mother, Mother” I called her yet she didn’t replied
I refused to believe it.
“Mother please wake up” I cried as the tears poured out
Not now.
Mother can’t go.
Leaving me with who? With what? How will I survive?
I shouted and cried and plead till I lost my voice and my eyes were swollen and blurred.
Oh Dead,I hate you!!!


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