Tuesday 7 August 2018


TIWALOLA(by Adu keh Ade)
Chapter five Scene light up to show Abeke lying on her bed, Suddenly Adeoye enters and she stands up to greet him Abeke:welcome Ademi Adeoye:I need some money from you Abeke: but Ademi I dont have any money with me,I have not been able to go to shop Adeoye:so what do you do at home, you sit and invite men over abi Abeke:you know that i'll never do such,Ademi, I have just been sick that is why I have not been able to go to shop Adeoye:sick my foot! So are you telling me you can't afford a token of #500,000 for me Abeke:Ademi, that is some huge amount of money, I don't have any money with me,and moreover have you squandered all the money you just collected from me Adeoye:(he slaps her and she fell on the bed)so do you now ask me how I spend my money, so you cant work when you have your two legs and hands two work with,well I will teach you a lesson this afternoon Abeke was suddenly afraid,and start to plead Abeke: Ademi please spare me,I beg off you,I'm sorry,please do not beat me Adeoye:well,I am not beating you, but you will regret been born this afternoon He drags her by the hair and pull her towards the kitchen,she quickly falls on her kneels thinking he was going to hurt her with a knife Abeke:Ademi please,don't do this to me,I am sorry for talking back.
Adeoye:oh! Well,I'm just going to burn your two hands,I will teach those two hands of yours a lesson since you can't work with it Abeke:(she was alarmed and afraid as she hid her two hands at her back)Ademi please,I promise to start work tomorrow,just spare me this afternoon,I will get you the money, just give me some few days, I was only sick Adeoye:(he laughs softly as he put on the gas)oh whoa! The fire is ready to burn your useless hands,your jobless hands Abeke screams as he went for his left hand, he slaps her and she fell forward making him have access to her left hand,he pulls her up roughly and drags her hand into the fire,she screams in pain as the fire burn her hand....Damboi Stories. TIWALOLA(by Adu keh Ade) Cont of chapter 5 She screams as the fire gain access to her soft skin,but Adeoye turn deaf ears to her pleas until he was fully satisfy,he pushed her on the floor making her hit her head on the kitchen chair,she writhed and Cry's in pain,her nose were dripping,she was in great pains as she stares at her roasted hands,she struggles to stand up but was unable to,Adeoye pulls her off and laugh into her face Adeoye:I'm not through with you yet( Abeke spat in his face,and he slaps her) Abeke:kill me! Just kill me! So I can stop going through all this Adeoye:why should I kill you when you are still of use to me,oh! Maybe killing you will be useful,coz even if you die,I still have right to all your properties, my Darling obedient wife, but I want you now,I want me inside of you,it has been long we had sex,I think those men of yours are really satisfying you, it has been long you ask for sex...too long! Abeke:I don't want to make love to you,I hate you Adeoye:oh! That is nice of you because whether you like it or not i'm going to fuck you He carries her like a bag of rice across his neck and threw her on the bed hurting her burnt hand in the process,she groans in pain and he tore off her cloth,without romancing her,he quickly put off his cloth and Abeke watched as his erected manhood forcefully find it way into her private part and hurting her with each thrust as he fuck her roughly.. **TIWALOLA POV** I danced happily on the way home, I was happy because I had successfully registered my name for the upcoming WAEC.I was eager to write the exams so I can be with my mom after the exam,but my happiness soon died down as I remember that if I should gain admission,I won't be able to see her from time to time.. I pull the gate open,and walk in,I was expecting to meet my mom in the sitting room but I was wrong,I quickly dash into my room to put on mufti,after doing that, I walk into my mother's room and flung the door open. Tiwa:mommy I am back She screams as she saw her mother lying on the bed helplessly, her cloth torn and her left hand roasted Tiwa:mother what happened? ( she ran to the bed and climbs it as she pull her to herself) mother, did father do this to you? Abeke touched tiwalola face as she force herself to smile Abeke:please take me to the bathroom,I need to freshen up Tiwa:mommy, I need an explanation, the monster did this to you,right? Abeke:please tiwalola,help me get to the bathroom first,I need to clean myself upCont of chapter 5 TIWALOLA POV** I was fuming inside of me as I washed my mom's body,I notice they were semen on her body and I could see red welt on her thighs,I knew father had raped her,I look up to see her face but she closed her eyes and look sideways,I breathed heavily and dropped the soap Tiwalola:but mommy,do you want us to continue suffering in father's hand,I am fed up if you are not(no response from Abeke) mommy,I swear I will commit suicide if you are not going to let us run away,mommy,we can live on our own, you have enough money mother! Abeke:(she opens her eyes as hot tears trickled down her cheeks but she didn't look at her)Tiwalola,i'm sorry,I wish we could run away,but all my properties, I willed it to your dad,we will suffer if we run away Tiwa:mom,call your lawyer and change the damn will Abeke:I can't tiwalola, I can't (he face her and touch her cheeks)am sorry Tiwa:mom,I will run away Abeke:please my pride,stay with me,I will die if you leave me alone here,it is just for some few time,your father will change Tiwa:(she stood up angrily)till he kills us! I'm damn fed up,did he hypnotized you mommy? Abeke:don't you dare talk to me like that,I am your mother for crying out loud,I'm only doing this because of you,please Tiwalola,I don't want you to suffer,you need to go to school,I don't want you to become cheap because of poverty...pleas e bear with me Tiwa:(crying)mother? Abeke:please tiwalola,my daughter,my pride.. You know you are my pride Tiwa:(nods my head) I am sorry but I hate it when he make you suffer Abeke:I am not suffering my tiwalola, I am just bearing this because of you,we will conquer,(she opens her arm)come here,my pride, come and hug me I went into her arms and we hug each other as we shed tears,tears of regret,confusion,sadness and agony.

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